About Us

About Us

Cascadia Maritime Logistics (CML) is linking continents through roll-on roll-off (Ro-Ro) transportation services. By harnessing various networks of global and regional PCTC (pure car truck carriers) and conventional Ro-Ro ships, CML connects seaports with ease.

Cascadia Maritime Logistics actively operates time-chartered vessels. It devises tailor-made solutions in finished vehicle logistics and project logistics for businesses throughout the world. Whether providing yacht and motorboat delivery on trailers or Ro-Ro transportation for motorcycles, CML understands the unique needs of different cargo.

Although headquartered in Vancouver, British Columbia, CML has branch offices in Dubai, Istanbul, Bishkek and agents in the following countries:















United Arab Emirates

United States

With these many locations, it’s easy to find a Ro-Ro liner perfectly suited to any business’s location and schedule.

How Does Ro-Ro Transportation Work?

With Ro-Ro transportation, Cascadia Maritime Logistics transports wheeled cargo from one seaport to another, typically using two or three separate liners. CML’s agents carefully supervise these port connections.

Ro-Ro involves driving the cargo directly onto the ship via a ramp of 50 to 150 mts SWL. Because of this, CML can accept cargoes of varying weights—everything from passenger vehicles to heavy lift cargoes on coupled MAFI trailers and even yachts and motorboats on trailers or roll-trailers.

Cascadia Maritime Logistics’ agents always secure cargo using a variety of standard certified lashing equipment onboard, so businesses never have to worry about their cargo moving and getting damaged while in transport. Through intense cargo ventilation inside the ship’s cargo spaces (20 air changes per hour and more) and a sophisticated fire-fighting system, CML accepts IMO-related merchandise that’s not limited to ordinary wheeled and caterpillared units.

Linking Continents for Businesses and Individuals

Whether working with an individual or a business, CML treats all its clients equally. The company understands that different types of cargo require different means of transportation to safely reach the end destination. With CML’s knowledge and experience in Ro-Ro transportation, cargo always arrives in prime condition.